Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013


Sensation! Nettmann unmaskiert und abgeschminkt! Aber ihr habt mich ja sowieso an der Nasenspitze erkannt...
Neulich hatte ich wieder Nachtschicht am wilden Gitarrentresen im Schokoladen.
Und das war so:

"Hi! Can you play something by Bruce Springsteen?"
"Oh naaah"
"But he's "The Boss""
"Not mine!"

Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013


Workout Plan
- My boyfriend and I have unwittingly joined nature's own workout plan.
- It is comprised of lifting and carrying a small object...
- Our muscles are stimulated by shrewd physical impulses...

- and each week the weight is increased.
- "-and now?"
- "One eye is closed."
- "Rock him a bit more."

Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013


- All of a sudden the house falls silent...
- No more fussing, not a single stir.
- "But why do I sense a certain disturbing quality to this silence?"